This week in MathOnco 182
Website re-design, intratumoral heterogeneity, spatial immunophenotypes, CAR T-cell, coexistence phenotypes, and more
“This week in Mathematical Oncology” — Oct. 7, 2021
From the editor:
As you may have heard, we recently redesigned the mathematical oncology community resource website:
It’s intended to be a community-led resource that showcases seminars, jobs, papers, conferences, and more. Please do browse the site — we welcome any feedback!
Jeffrey West
Antigen receptor therapy in bone metastasis via optimal control for different human life stages
Silvia Jerez, Emilene Pliego, Francisco J. Solis, Anna K. MillerDynamic modeling of bone remodeling, osteolytic metastasis and PK/PD therapy: introducing variable order derivatives as a simplification technique
Joana Pinheiro Neto, Irina Alho, Luís Costa, Sandra Casimiro, Duarte Valério, Susana VingaCoexistence of “Cream Skimmer” and “Crumb Picker” Phenotypes in Nature and in Cancer
Nancy Huntly, Audrey R. Freischel, Anna K. Miller, Mark C. Lloyd, David Basanta, Joel S. BrownA Spatial Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Platform spQSP-IO for Simulations of Tumor–Immune Interactions and Effects of Checkpoint Inhibitor Immunotherapy
Chang Gong, Alvaro Ruiz-Martinez, Holly Kimko, Aleksander S. PopelIncreased somatic mutation burdens in normal human cells due to defective DNA polymerases
Philip S. Robinson, Tim H. H. Coorens, Claire Palles, Emily Mitchell, …, Peter J. Campbell, Iñigo Martincorena, Ian Tomlinson, Michael R. StrattonClonal Architecture and Evolutionary Dynamics in Acute Myeloid Leukemias
Matthieu Duchmann, Lucie Laplane, Raphael ItzyksonMathematical Modelling of p53 Signalling during DNA Damage Response: A Survey
Ján Eliaš, Cicely K. MacnamaraA Novel Averaging Principle Provides Insights in the Impact of Intratumoral Heterogeneity on Tumor Progression
Haralambos Hatzikirou, Nikos Kavallaris, Marta LeocataSpatial immunophenotypes predict response to anti-PD1 treatment and capture distinct paths of T cell evasion in triple negative breast cancer
Dora Hammerl, John W. M. Martens, Mieke Timmermans, Marcel Smid, …, Roberto Salgado, Hugo Horlings, Marleen Kok, Reno Debets
Destabilization of CAR T-cell treatment efficacy in the presence of dexamethasone
Alexander B. Brummer, Xin Yang, Eric Ma, Margarita Gutova, Christine E. Brown, Russell C. RockneDynamics of fibril collagen remodeling by tumor cells using individual cell-based mathematical modeling
Sharan Poonja, Mehdi Damaghi, Katarzyna A. RejniakThe evolutionary epidemiology of pathogens during vaccination campaigns
Troy Day, David A. Kennedy, Andrew F. Read, Sylvain Gandon
Ten simple rules for choosing a PhD supervisor
PLOS Computational Biology
Loay Jabre, Catherine Bannon, J. Scott P. McCain, Yana Eglit: “As a PhD student in the making, you will have many important decisions to consider. Several of them will depend on your chosen discipline and research topic, the institution you want to attend, and even the country where you will undertake your degree. However, one of the earliest and most critical decisions you will need to make transcends most other decisions: choosing your PhD thesis supervisor.”
The newsletter now has a dedicated homepage (, which allows us to post cover artwork for each issue. We encourage submissions that coincide with the release of a recent paper from your group.
Caption: Mathonco has a new home! We’re excited to share that we have given the website an overhaul and have merged it with the mathonco blog and the newsletter to create a single place for everything #mathonco. In addition, you can find job postings, conference adverts, and recordings of the IMO seminar series. Anything missing that you would like to see? – just let us know. We want this to be a resource for the community by the community! Thanks to Jeffrey West for his hard work designing the page, and to David Basanta, Maxi Strobl, Jill Gallaher and Sandy Anderson for helping out. As always, If you’d like to make a suggestion or submit a blog post you can send an email to
P.S. We hope the margins are wide enough to contain your all your cool #mathonco sketches!
Created by: Sandy Anderson, Maxi Strobl, Jill Gallaher, Jeffrey West
Visit the mathematical oncology page to view jobs, meetings, and special issues. We will post new additions here, but the full list can found at
1. Jobs
Current subscriber count: ~1k